Cisco Model Driven Telemetry - Part 1 Hey Folks ! Do checkout this introductory video on Cisco Model Driven Telemetry on my new YouTube channel. This video aims to present an overview . Do give your suggestion through comments! Thanks
Hosting your blog on GCP with GHOST, Nginx, Lets Encrypt, Mail Gun and Cloudflare - Part 2 Setting up HTTPS and mail for self-hosted GHOST blog on GCP free-tier.
Cisco Network Services Orchestrator (NSO) - YANG - Part 2 An in-depth dissection of a yang data model.
Cisco Network Services Orchestrator (NSO) - YANG An explainer on NETCONF, YANG data model. Cisco Network Services Orchestrator (NSO) - Familiarization Series - Part 2
Cisco Network Services Orchestrator (NSO) - Glimpses You will find a lot of literature everywhere on what is Cisco's NSO tool. Briefly, NSO aims to provide an orchestration layer; which can help ease our interaction with both traditional and SDN enabled devices. It has support for multiple vendors and can interact with network devices in
Hosting your blog on GCP with GHOST, Nginx, Lets Encrypt, Mail Gun and Cloudflare - Part 1 We all have longed a website for ourselves, haven't we? In this post, we look at how do we set things up to have a Ghost blog up and running on an Ubuntu server hosted on GCP free tier in no time. I have consolidated information from various